I had last Friday off  and we all headed to our family cabin in the mountains for a weekend filled with work.  They call these properties leisure but I beg to differ.  Let’s just say there’s a little bit of leisure mixed in with a lot of work.  The list was long this weekend, lay down laminate flooring on the bottom half of the cabin, split between 120 to 150 –  30 – 50 pound rounds into firewood and mow the lawn; big lawn.    We got all the work done and in between I managed to take an hour or so walk and catch some great pictures.  For the first time, I took pictures of other people’s cabin and the whole time I was thinking about dreams.  Each cabin to me represents a dream, a dream to raise wild bees, a bed and breakfast dream, a ski dream, a river dream, an extra rental income dream or a retirement dream.  Some of the cabins are big, some small and some even smaller; enough room to lay your head down and grab some grub before you head back to the hills.  Sweet dreams are made of these, mountain dreams, cabin dreams or just a place to get away from it all and spend your days chasing frogs in the river dream.  Everyone needs a place where they can dream, me I’m dreaming of a weekend with no work.

manning park collage

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The Art of Silence in a Noisy World

Just taking one step at a time and writing about the simple pleasures that make me smile.

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